Black Excellence: Inspiring Individuals Making an Impact on Healthcare and STEM

Shift Health Signs BlackNorth Initiative CEO Pledge, Committing to Ending Anti-Black Systemic Racism

Shift Health Hosts Webinar on Embedding Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) in Research-Intensive Organizations

Embedding Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility in Research-Intensive Organizations
Black History Month is a time to listen to the voices of our Black colleagues who, through their exceptional leadership, enable us to continue breaking barriers in healthcare and STEM.
This year, we have asked some of those who are making an impact on the community to share their pioneering perspectives and outstanding achievements. To learn more about the individuals who have contributed their inspirational stories and what Black Excellence means to them, download the PDF HERE.
About The Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN)
To truly elevate the successes of Black Excellence in STEM, Shift is fortunate to work in an industry with inspirational organizations such as The Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN), to bring to light some of their community’s experiences.
CBSN’s mission is to create a community of Black Canadians pursuing or possessing advanced STEM degrees. They also work to increase the acceptance and retention of Black Youth in STEM and increase the representation of Black researchers and practitioners.
To honour the theme of Black Excellence in healthcare and STEM, Shift Health is privileged to spotlight inspirational thought leaders in the field. In this edition, Dr. Juliet Daniel, co-founder of CBSN and other inspirational individuals share their experiences as leaders who are spearheading the movement toward excellence and equality within the sector.
Quotes from Those Making an Impact
“For over two decades, I was a ‘leader without a title’, implementing initiatives and engaging in community and youth outreach because I saw the void/need. I wasn’t looking for awards or pats on the back, I did it because it needed to be done and I thought ‘why not me?’. There is seldom the right time to do ‘the right thing or the necessary thing.’” – Dr. Juliet Daniel, Co-founder of The Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN)
“Being a Black health researcher/leader means representing Black people in confronting the inequities in our healthcare system and working with co-conspirators and agents of change in identifying and amplifying the BLACK BRILLIANCE.” – Dr. Modupe Tunde-Byass, President, Black Physicians of Canada (BPC)
“Those of us in a position of leadership share a passion to perform at a high level in an effort to make our forebears proud, given that historically leadership opportunities were typically not offered to people of colour. We share a sense of responsibility to accept these roles given the sacrifices made by our forefathers in challenging systemic racism. Those who now have access to these privileged positions have a social responsibility to inform and educate in order to continue the journey of social and racial reckoning that will result in a better Canada for all its citizens.” – Dr. Everton Gooden, Head of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at North York General Hospital
“Since there are still so many gaps in the existing research and literature on Black health in Canada, being a Black health researcher today means that you can be creative, innovative, ground-breaking, and go where no one else has gone before. It means that you have an opportunity to create a blueprint or template for other Black health researchers to build on.” – Dr. Ingrid Waldron, Professor and HOPE Chair in Peace and Health, Global Peace & Social Justice Program, McMaster University
“As a Black health researcher, I am heartened by growing recognition of issues related to anti-Black racism, especially recently increased representation at many levels, but still frustrated and troubled by the lack of policy and political support for the collection, analysis and public reporting of race-based data (and inequities) in health care; without quantitative and qualitative evidence to benchmark the disparities and evaluate alternative responses, how can we be expected to make meaningful progress.” – Dr. Akwatu Khenti, Special Advisor to the City of Toronto’s COVID-19 Equity Initiative and Chair of the Black Scientists’ Task Force on Vaccine Equity
“For me, being a black female leader is about the WE. It is representing and building community rather than self.” – Onome Ako, Chief Executive Officer Action Against Hunger, Canada
We are in a unique moment in time where Blackness refuses to be confined or defined into any one space. Black folks are taking up space, building their own tables and thriving.” – Sharon Nyangweso, CEO and Founder of QuakeLab
“Being a Black leader today and every day comes with a deep sense of responsibility to your community. A responsibility to be seen, to be heard, to unapologetically take up space.” – Dr. Eugenia Addy, CEO of Visions of Science Network for Learning
Black History Month reminds us of our collective responsibility to create spaces for stories and voices that have been historically neglected—now, and every month of the year. Join us in the conversation on our social channels by featuring a Black Researcher or Healthcare Provider who has inspired you, and who you think challenges us as a society to do better.
Thank you again to the inspirational individuals who allowed us to share their stories and perspectives on Black Excellence. Your contributions toward a better health research and innovation ecosystem are invaluable. To learn more about the eight Black leaders spearheading the movement toward equity in STEM and healthcare, download the PDF HERE.